Category: Recent Projects

NuChill® upgrade to Trane Chillers

NuChill® upgrade to Trane Chillers

NuChill® Upgrade to Trane Chillers Developing from the well established ReChill® concept, it was apparent that certain projects required all new chillers, rather than partial upgrades leaving some original sub-assemblies in service. Clearly this might compromise the overall life expectancy of a ReChill® project….


Lofprop Chiller Upgrade

Secondary ReChill® upgrade to Climaveneta Chillers R513A & Inverter Upgrade Project Following the continued success of various Inverter technology applications to new and existing chiller projects, ThermOzone developed a new technique to offer a substantial improvement to prior ReChill® projects, where first undertaken…


Inmarsat Chiller Upgrade

NuChill® upgrade to York Chillers Developing from the well established ReChill® concept, it was apparent that certain projects required all new chillers, rather than partial upgrades leaving some original sub-assemblies in service. Clearly this might compromise the overall life expectancy of a ReChill® project….


A&R Cooling Chiller Upgrade

Secondary ReChill® upgrade to Mammoth Chillers Inverter Upgrade Project Following the continued success of various Inverter technology applications to new and existing chiller projects, ThermOzone developed a new technique to offer a substantial improvement to prior ReChill® projects, where first undertaken prior to…

ReChill® Upgrade to Carrier Chillers

ReChill® Upgrade to Carrier Chillers

ReChill® upgrade to Carrier Chillers This project concerned two large capacity (900 kW) water chillers which provide cooling for the building’s air-conditioning services. The chillers were approximately 10 years old, but were suffering from repetitive condenser failure, and were also the most significant…

Leadenhall Street Chilled Water Pump upgrade

Leadenhall Street Chilled Water Pump upgrade

NuChill® Chilled Water Pump Upgrade Following the successful NuChill® chiller replacement project undertaken in 2015-16 ThermOzone had identified that the existing chilled water circulating system was not providing very effective service, and was less than efficient. Following discussions with the project Consultants, Mssrs Arup, we…

Climaveneta Chillers Upgrade - Old Burlington Street

Climaveneta Chillers Upgrade – Old Burlington Street

Climaveneta Chiller NuChill® Upgrade Developing from the well established ReChill® concept, it was apparent that certain projects required all new chillers, rather than partial upgrades leaving some original sub-assemblies in service. Clearly this might compromise the overall life expectancy of a ReChill® project. However,…


Fujitsu Stevenage – ReChill® upgrade to York Chillers

ReChill® upgrade to York Chillers The Chillers serving Fujitsu offices in Stevenage are grouped in to two sets of two York chillers originally rated at 580 kW. However, the chiller had proven very troublesome due to the apparent lack of load,…

Compressor Repair for Transport Ships

Compressor Repair for Transport Ships

Compressor and Controls for Transport Ships – ThermaCom Marine ships are floating “machine” and are in need of durability with a high level of reliability often against technology, regulation and environment when actively at sea. It is no good asking…

Maintaining Air-Conditioning Service on Modern Trains

Maintaining Air-Conditioning Service on Modern Trains

Air Conditioning Servicing and Maintenance – ThermaCom Modern train carriages are effectively sealed capsules. Maintaining a comfortable environment is essential and is the principal reason for passenger complaints after late trains. For the well known Virgin Pendolino’s serving the West…


Chiller Repair

Emergency chiller repair from our experienced team.


Chiller Servicing

Get peace of mind with our chiller servicing package.


Industrial Chillers

Technical assistance and advice with our site surveys.



We supply, repair and service refrigeration compressors.

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We specialise in providing Chiller and Compressor solutions to Data Centres, Transportation, Industrial and Commercial industries. Find out more below.


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Data Centres







We supply and service compressors and offer repairs on leading compressor brands found throughout the HVAC industry. We also specialise in chiller and air-conditioning supply, repair and servicing.

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