Category: Blog
The Importance of Knowing Your R Values
As this is the festive season I was considering and hopefully receiving a number of high volatile chemicals. These items cannot be posted must be hand delivered —to my horror I had no cosh sheet and started to wonder how…
Sarah Brumwell
This is to say hello and thank you to Sarah Brumwell USA who is always thinking about us. This year it is 20 years ago (1994-2014) that ThermOzone was incorporated. The support and encouragement from others over the years can…
ReChill® Scores Triple Top for Chiller Engineering
The Environmental Troika – Refrigerants phase out Energy Reduction Recycling by re-use. For medium to large commercial buildings the water chillers providing the cooling services for the air-conditioning systems often represent the highest single energy load on the building. Often…
Taming the Screw
Semi-hermetic Screw compressors in association with HFC refrigerants R134a & R407C have now come to dominate as preferred compressor for most medium to large capacity Water Chillers. These machines demonstrate previously unknown levels of robustness, energy efficiency, quietness, plus they…
The ReChill® Concept Air-Conditioning Chiller
Recycling by Reuse in a Tough Financial Climate. The ReChill® Concept Air-Conditioning Chiller A fresh alternative to the major capital demands of New chiller plant to replace older, but very often serviceable plant has been actively developed to provide a comprehensive…
Celebrating 20 Years
Cooling Specialists – BaFN Issue 906 Building and Facilities News is proud to present ThermOzone Ltd as its selected Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Solutions Company of the Month. ThermOzone are highly respected solution provider for refrigeration and air conditioning industries….
Energy Reduction in a Cooled Building
Most air-conditioning chiller plant installations, especially those over 10 years old, are focused upon peak cooling capacity. This results in equipment less engineered for more mundane loads are prevalent 90% of the time. This means the chiller plant operates far…
R22 400 Days and Counting!
As I write this I was reminded we have precisely 400 days left of having R22 available as a serviceable refrigerant. Whereas after 31st December next year R22 can still be used within operating systems, any reason for it leaving…
Meaner Cleaner Cooling for Greenwich Mean Time
Re-Chill® system upgrade options provided by ThermOzone, have been taken to a new phase of development to save energy and provide a more effective cooling solution for the World renowned home of Longitude and Time itself. The National Maritime Museum in…
The Rolls-Royce of Water Chillers
ThermaCom Ltd can report back upon a Project completed late in 2009 for Mssrs Rolls Royce at their prestigious London offices. Now in 2011 we can report that not only has the prior problem of repetitive compressor failure been completely…